Quintino – UMF 2017 インタビュー

Laidback Lukeに発掘された、日本でも人気上昇中のオランダ出身ダンスミュージックDJ/プロデューサー、Quintino。DJランキングもここ数年でどんどん上昇し、彼自身のラジオショー“SupersoniQ”はSiriusXMで人気です(日本ではFuturegroove FMで毎週金曜日17時に放送中)。そんな彼に、直接Ultra Music Festivalで日本のファンへのメッセージ、日本でのセットの話、彼の音楽についてインタビューすることができました。

Interview with Quintino

__また今年もMiami Music Weekに参加なさっていますが、どんな気持ちですか?


__Miami Music Week そしてUltra Music Festivalのどんなことが好きですか?


__Laidback Lukeがあなたのキャリアにおいて、とても影響が大きいですが、それについて何かコメントはありますか?

Quintino:彼はたくさんの人をヘルプしていて、それってとてもクールなことだと思うんだ。彼と3日前話したんだけど、その時に彼はこう言ってくれたよ、 ‘様々な新しいアーティストを見てきたけど、君はとても頑張って成功していて君のことを誇りに思うよ’ってね。彼が僕を見ていて、もっとたくさんの若いアーティストをヘルプしたいと僕がきっかけで思ったらしいんだ。だから、僕も彼に少し貢献できたと思う。というのは、若いDJたちにとって彼のヘルプはとても立派な力になるものだと、彼に僕の活躍を通して伝えることができたからね。彼が僕の活躍を見て、‘君は様々な場所でプレイしていて、ビッグなアーティストになったね。本当に誇りに思うよ’と言ってくれたりして、僕はとてもハッピーなんだ。


Quintino:そうそう! ちょうど僕のチームとこれについて話していたところなんだ。色々なジャンルをミックスしてプレイすることがすごく好きなんだ。だから、僕の今現在のセットでもちょっとそうしているんだけれど、勿論ほとんどはダンスミュージックがベースだよ。でも、オルター・エゴを持って他のものもプレイしたい。ヒップホップ、ロックやダブステップなどなど。


Quintino:たくさんいるね! 僕、Pharrellが大好きなんだ。彼はこれまでポップスターを始め、様々なアーティストをプロデュースしてきていて、数え切れない数のレコードを出してきているでしょ? 僕は彼にとてもインスパイアされて、なにか新しいことをしたいという気持ちに駆り立てられる。だから、いつも彼が何をしているかチェックしてるんだ。彼が「Happy」をプロデュースした時、音楽だけでなく、ダンスやファッションや全てが合わさったものを見て、アメージング!と思ったよ。









Interview: Risa Clark

Dutch DJ and producer Quintino is no stranger to hard work. Discovered by fellow Dutch DJ Laidback Luke, Quintino has worked hard to become a name well known in dance music. He has climbed progressively higher in the DJ rankings in the past few years and has his own radio show called ‘SupersoniQ’ on SiriusXM. With a growing number of fans in Japan, we sat down with him during Ultra Music Festival 2017 to talk about his music and his thoughts on playing sets in Japan.

Interview with Quintino

___How does it feel to be here in Miami again for Music week?

Quintino: It’s like the start of the year. Ultra is where you prepare your whole set with all the new music. You get all this fresh music that you are going to play all year so it’s a great feeling!

___What do you love about Miami Music Week and Ultra Music Festival?

Quintino: I like to explore a lot of new music because everybody’s playing new stuff. So I’m checking out all the artists and their sets too. I also get to play my new sets. I’ve been looking forward to this and I’ve been preparing my stuff for 2 months now so I love playing all my new stuff!

___Laidback Luke has played a big part in your career – can you comment a little on this?

Quintino: He helps so many people, it’s so cool to see. I talked to him 3 days ago and he said, ‘yea I’ve seen so many new guys to help and you make me so proud to see you doing so well;’ he said it inspires him to do even more to help young artists. So I also helped him a little bit to promote younger DJs that he sees as worthy. I’m really happy that when he sees me he’s like ‘It’s so cool that you are playing everywhere. You became such a big artist. I’m so proud of you.’ It makes me happy.

___Is there another side to your music that has ever made you want to play as an alter ego?

Quintino: Yea we are talking about it! I really like to play a mix of genres and even though I do this a little bit in my sets, it’s mostly still dance influenced of course. But I really would like to have an alter ego where I could play all the other stuff I like – from Hip Hop to Rock to Dub Step.

___Who are your biggest musical inspirations?

Quintino: There’s a lot! I love Pharrell. He made so many records if you see what he produced for like from pop stars and everyone else. He really inspires me to do new stuff so I always check out what he is doing. Like when he made ‘Happy’ and doing everything combined, it’s amazing!

___I know you have played in Japan before, what are some things you like about Japan?

Quintino: Well, I remember the first time I came, I was so impressed by the culture, by the discipline of the people, by the way they respect each other. Japanese people are so nice to each other. They work really hard. I think these things are good for the world. The moment you get to Japan, you feel like you are at home.

___How is playing in Japan compared to other countries around the world?

Quintino: Well, in Japan I have a really steady fan-base. They always come to the show. And it’s always cool when I start playing, I see all the people in the front wearing the Quintino gear. The whole experience makes me smile and want to come back!

___What message do you have for your Japanese fans?

Quintino: First of all, I want to say thank you for being there for me from the beginning. I’m always lucky to get more new shows there – I get my birthday there next year. I’m definitely going to be back so just thank you and I will see you at the next show. I love you guys!

___At this point, what is the most important piece of life advice you can give?

Quintino: If you do something, do it because you really love it. If you really love it, you’re going to succeed. But you always must give 200% if it’s something you really admire because if you see it as work, it’s harder to commit. If you really love it, just go for it 200% and believe in yourself.

Interview: Risa Clark

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Quintinotube
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/djquintino
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quintino/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/QUINTINOO
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/quintino

QuintinoRisa Clark ColumnUltraカテゴリーの記事