EDX – Miami Music Week 2017 インタビュー

リミキサーとしても、クラブ・シーンでも名高いダンスミュージック・アーティスト、EDX(a.k.a. Maurizio Colella)は、エレクトロニック・ミュージックを20年以上も追及するベテランで、これからも勢い止まることを知らないでしょう。

Miami Music Week中に、マイアミ現地でEDX本人から直接彼の新しい音楽(有名アーティストとのコラボレーションやリミックスの話)、ツアーの話、そしてもちろん日本のダンスミュージック・シーンの話についてもインタビューで聞くことができました!

Interview with EDX (Maurizio Colella)

__ここ、マイアミのMusic Weekで沢山のイベントがありますが、あなたはマイアミのMusic Weekでプレイすることで好きなことは何ですか?

EDX:ここでプレイすることが好きな理由は沢山あるんだけど、その中でもマイアミがスペシャルだって思える理由は、ここでは友達と一緒にセットを聴いたり、友達のセットを聴ける機会があるからなんだ。それと、ここには世界中から人が集まるから。例えば、ニューヨークで先週に出会った人、または2週間前に台湾で出会った人とまたここで会えるかもしれないでしょ。彼らは音楽の為にここに集まる。音楽で繋がれるっていうことが、Miami Music Weekの素晴らしい僕の好きなことなんだ。

__あなたのTiësto「On My Way (EDX’s Miami Sunset Remix)」は、オリジナルの曲よりもさらにハッピーなバイブですが、このリミックスを作っている時にどんなことを考えていたのですか?

EDX:Tiëstoが僕の作品を気に入ってくれていることは前からずっと知っていたんだ。僕らは親友で、Tiëstoのチームが僕に連絡してきた時、彼はこう言ったんだ、“ヘイ、僕らはクラブ仕様の曲が必要なんだ。この曲はラジオ用に作ったんだけど、クラブでもプレイできる感じのものが欲しいんだ”って。このTiëstoの曲ははじめからハッピーな感じのアプローチだったから、僕だけがハッピーなヴァイブをこの曲に足したわけではないんだな。この曲は気持ちを高揚させてくれる感じの曲なんだけど、さらに、ヴォーカルの部分をクラブ用、フェス用、そしてラジオでも使用できる、全てに対応できるものに変えたりしたんだ。それがこの、Miami Sunset Remixesなのさ!

__Alok & Bruno Martini「Hear Me Now (EDX & Nora En Pure Remix)」では、ディープ・ハウスそして、ハッピーなメロディーに惹きつけられますが、この曲について少し詳しく教えて下さい。また、Nora En Pureとのリミックスはどんな感じでしたか?

EDX:まず、オリジナルのAlok「Hear Me Now」は、既にとてもビッグで、数々の国や街でチャート1位で、この夏もこれで越せる感じなんだ。最高なヴォイスにメロディーで、とにかく最高だ。だから、Alokのチームが僕とNoraに“リミックスを作ってくれる?”と連絡してきてくれた時、“オリジナルで最高な曲に何をEDXとして足すことができるか”、“Nora En PureのスタイルにどんなEDXとしてのスタイルも同時に取り入れられるか”、と考えたんだ。Nora En Pureと僕のスタイルを同時に取り入れる上で、僕の要素、または彼女の要素のどちらかが多過ぎる感じで曲に取り入れるわけにはいかないから、そこの点には気を使ったね。両方の良いスタイルを生かした、Miami Music Week仕様のもっとグルーヴィーでセクシーで、オリジナルの曲のヴァイブも崩さないものを作ることで、Noraと意見が一致したんだ。彼女は本当に才能があるし、彼女とスタジオで一緒に作業ができるという貴重な体験が出来て最高だったよ。

__あなたはこれまでにKaskade「Don’t Stop Dancing」やSam Feldt「Show me Love」など、他にも数々の有名アーティストとコラボレーションをしてきましたが、誰か将来コラボレーションをしたいアーティストはいますか?


リミックスと言えば、最近僕の新しいシングル「All I Know」がSpinnin’ Deepからリリースされたんだ。あと5月5日に、オランダのポップバンド、HAEVNのためにリミックスした曲「Finding Out More」がリリースされるよ。とてもラジオでポピュラーな曲なんだけど、クラブでかけても最高な曲だよ。この曲は僕のお気に入りだから、この曲に関しての感想を皆から聞くことを楽しみにしてるんだ。



例えば、ここマイアミではクラブに行けば、DJが古い曲を流していたりするでしょ? で、こんなことを考えられる。“ふーん、もしこの古い曲を少しアレンジして、新しいサウンドと新しいヴォイスを入れれば、2017年に対応できる曲ができるかもしれない”とね。僕はこのマーケットになが~い間いるから経験豊富だし、よく音楽のサイクルを理解しているから、僕にとってはインスピレーションをどこからか得ることは簡単なことだよ。


EDX:そうだね、僕はトラベルし続けていて、3月の終わりには10か国に渡って45のショーをこなしたことになるんだ。2月はメキシコで何個かのショーをしたし、ブラジルのRio Music Carnivalでもプレイしたし、アジアでも何個かショーがあったんだ。そして、アメリカでも同じペースで次の数ヵ月間ツアーがあるんだ。夏にイビザに戻るのが楽しみだな。他にもインドやオーストラリアに行ったり、色々な場所に行くんだ! 何件かフェスでもプレイする予定だし、たくさんの新しい曲も出るよ。まだ今年もバスツアーをするか分からないけど、来年にするかもしれないし、とにかくたくさん色々なことが近々起こるよ!





__あなたは、なぜあなたのラジオのショーの名前を“No Xcuses”(言い訳はなし)としたのですか?

EDX:うん、まずね、このショーの名前が決まる前にたくさんの名の候補があって、どれがクールで僕のパーソナリティーに一番合うか迷っていたんだ。で、やっと“No Xcuses”が僕の性格などにフィットするってことになった。なんせ、僕はいつもとても正直で単刀直入型だから。この名前は僕一人が考えたわけじゃないんだ。チームで協力し合ってつけた。数々の候補の中からコレになって、本当にこれが自分のパーソナリティーに合ってると感心してるよ。もうかれこれ6年間この名前でショーをやってるんだ。Oh、僕のラジオのショーがスタートしてちょうど6年だ!

__EDMはメインストリームとなり、本来のEDM文化はもはやピュアではなくなってしまったという意見を持つ人もいれば、その意見に賛成しない人もいます。あなたはこれに関してどう思われますか? また、今後5年でEDMはどのように変わって行くと思いますか?



EDX:日本はクールだったよ! 10月に東京で行われたショーはソールドアウトだったんだ。そして、寿司は最高だったし、また日本に行けることが待ち遠しいよ!


EDX:まず、旅行して様々な文化を体験できるって素晴らしいことだよね。様々な国を飛び回るアーティストとしてクールなことといえば、世界中に友達がいるってこと。何処に行っても誰か知っている人がいる。僕には音楽活動を一緒にしている東京出身の友達がいるんだ。だから、彼らが街を案内してくれたり、地元の人しか知らない場所や美味しい物が食べれる場所に連れて行ってくれた。僕は渋谷のホテルに滞在したんだけど、人が大勢だったのが印象的だよ! 日本は良い国だし本当に好きなんだ。人々はとてもフレンドリーで、礼儀正しく団結力があり、なんだかとてもスイスと考え方などが似ていると思う。

世界では様々な体験ができるけど、自分の音楽を作る時って、クレイジーなことに自分の住んでいる街の中にある小さなスタジオの中で作業するんだよね。今はデジタルな時代だから、インターネットを使って世界中といつでも繋がれるから、どこにいても曲が仕上がった次の日から曲をシェアできる。そして、世界中を飛び回って実際に僕の音楽を愛してくれている人々に会える。それってとても素晴らしいことだよね! 僕たちアーティストは、自分たち自身で音楽を作りだすという作業をしているけれど、僕らがメインとして達成したいことは、音楽で人々と触れ合い、繋がることを可能にすることなんだ。だから、僕の音楽を愛してくれている世界中の人に会えるということはとても嬉しいことなんだ。



Interview: Risa Clark


Interview with EDX (Maurizio Colella)

A legendary club artist and still one of the best remixers around, EDX (aka Maurizio Colella) is a true veteran of dance music. Having been in the game for over 20 years, his has an impressive understanding of electronic music, its evolution, and future direction. We sat down with Maurizio while in Miami for Ultra and Miami Music Week to have a chat with him about this, some exciting new music (from original songs to big name remixes and collaborations) he has coming out, his heavy touring schedule, and of course his thoughts on the Japanese dance music scene. Check out our interview with him below!

___You have many events here in Miami for Music Week – what do you love most about playing in Miami during Music Week?

EDX: There are different reasons I could point out, but the most interesting thing is that you have the chance to spend a lot of time listening to a lot of sets with friends and from friends and this makes Miami definitely something special. Also, the fact that there are people traveling from all over the world like people I maybe met last week in New York or the weekend before in Taipei and they are here for one thing and that’s the Music and that’s the great thing about Miami Music Week.

___Your Miami Sunset Remix of Tiesto’s “On My Way” is great, with an even happier vibe than they song already had, what was in your mind when you were making this remix?

EDX: I always knew that Tiesto really loved my stuff. We are friends so when Tiesto’s camp reached out to me, he told ‘hey we just need a club fix – we need a mix that we can play in the club because I made this mix for the radio.’ I think Tiesto’s initial approach to the track was already happy so it wasn’t only myself adding that extra touch of happy vibes to the track. The remix is still a very uplifting a track, but we built something around the vocals that could work well in the clubs, at the festivals, and still work on the radio. That is typical of the Miami Sunset remixes!

___The EDX and Nora En Pure remix of Alok’s “Hear Me Now” is also amazing – it really drew me in with its deep house feel and uplifting melody – can you tell me a little bit about this song and how it was to remix it with Nora En Pure?

EDX: First, the original “Hear Me Now” is already one of the biggest tracks of the moment and this will be one of those tracks that lasts over the summer. It is #1 on charts in many countries and cities. The track has great voice, a great melody, and is just a great song overall already. So, when the camp reached out to me and said, ‘hey we want you to remix this,’ we had to ask ourselves – ‘what are we going to add for Nora En Pure? What are we going to add from EDX?’ Because we knew it should be a remix that doesn’t sound too much EDX or too much Nora En Pure. In the end, we decided ‘OK, its already a big radio track in many countries so let’s just do a really big track for Miami Music Week – something more groovy, sexier, but that still had the catchiness and the original vibes. It was, and it always is, a special experience to be working in the studio with Nora En Pure because she is a truly great talent.

___You have produced some amazing collaborations with big-name artists – Kaskade, (Don’t Stop Dancing), Sam Feldt (Show me Love), and more – are there any other artists that you want to collaborate with in the future?

EDX: We have a lot of people reaching out to us for collaborations. But since day 1 when they reach out to me for remixes, I’ve tried to never go for the branding aspect of it. For me it is more important to figure out – ‘can we make this a big track? Can we make it better? Can we add the EDX signature sound which makes it kind of magic?’ That’s my goal when I do a collaboration. But I’m sure in the future there will be many more great collaborations in addition to the many remixes I always do which are kind of collaborations. I have some great some new remixes that are out – my new single ‘All I Know’ is out on Spinnin’ Deep. And then there will be another remix I’ve done for Dutch pop band HAEVN’s song ‘Finding Out More,’ (out May 5) a huge radio song that, again, is a hybrid between club and radio. I’m really looking forward to the feedback for that track because Its definitely something I like.

___Where do you find the inspiration that goes into creating your music?

EDX: That’s actually very simple. I’m very lucky being an artist that is able to travel the world to meet so many great people and cultures. Wherever you are you get in touch with different sounds, different noises, and different cultures. You always pick up ideas from this and you are like ‘hey how would that sound work with my music?’ So you collect information and inspiration this way. For example, here in Miami, if I go to a club and I hear a DJ playing an old song, I might think to myself ‘you know if you took that old song and you switch it around a little and you give it a new sound or a new voice, it could be something that works for 2017.’ I think also just the fact that I have been in the market for so many years experiencing all these music cycles, so it is easy for me to find inspiration for my music.

___I know you have a big U.S. tour coming up – but are there any other big projects you have in the works?

EDX: Well I am constantly traveling so by the end of March I will have played 45 shows this year in over 10 countries. Just in February I was in Mexico for a few shows. I played shows for Rio Music Carnival in Brazil. I was in Asia and Indonesia for a few shows, and in the U.S. We are going to be doing the same pace for the next few months and I’m really looking forward to the summer and going back to Ibiza for that journey again. I’m playing a couple festivals. I’m going to India, to Australia; more or less everywhere! We are already set to have a lot of new music coming out. We have not yet decided if we are going to do a bus tour again this year or maybe next year. So there are a lot of things going to happen very soon!

___It seems like many DJs and Producers these days are exploring new directions – new sides to themselves – do you see yourself doing this anytime in the near future?

EDX: I feel like I am one of the artists that is always ahead of the game…always a little bit early on these journeys. I have a very big quality approach and if something is already old to me then its old and I like to move on and I switch to 2017. I think my new single ‘All I Know’ is refreshing – with a little bit house-ier feel and sexier. I’m really looking forward to show all these different angles to my music.

___There is also a growing popularity in dance music of DJs using “alter-egos” – have you ever thought about doing this?

EDX: Well there is some alter-egos I have been using for the past 20 years, but as for new ones we are not sharing this insight right now. It is mostly just for club music. I personally think alter-egos are fine because you should not be musically limited. Today when you build a fan-base, they expect you to do exactly the same thing for 10 years in a row, so the alter-ego thing is something that will let artists grow and develop. So I wouldn’t say that’s a bad thing. I think it’s something cool.

___Why did you choose the name “No Xcuses” for your radio show?

EDX: Well, we were going back and forth with lots of different names and trying to figure out what could be cool for my radio show for my personality. And “No Xcuses” was something that really fits because I am always very straightforward. So we came up with the name “No Xcuses” and I only realized later on that this really does fit my personality very well. I didn’t come up with the name by myself, I did this with my team and there was a lot of names on that list. It’s now 6 years by the way – it’s been exactly 6 years since the radio show started!

___Some people would say that with EDM being so commercial now that EDM culture is tainted while many others disagree. What are your thoughts on this and where do you see EDM going in the next 5 years or so?

EDX: I have a different point of view because I grew up in Europe and electronic music has been there for over 20 years. So, this “EDM” thing is something more American; it a reviving or a rebirth of the rave generation and rave culture which I grew up with over 20 years ago, now 25 years or more so I think it is just an example of how music goes in cycles. Music comes and goes. Generations come and go. I don’t want to like what my older brother likes because I am cooler than him. It’s a very natural process, it’s nothing bad. I think now electronic music is going to be sexier with all of these festivals that exist because the kids want to go and rage which is good.

___You played in Japan – how was this experience for you?

EDX: Japan was cool! It was a sold-out show in Tokyo in October. The sushi was great and I am excited to go back!

___What are some fun and/or very memorable things you got to do in Japan while you were there?

EDX: In general, to travel and to experience different cultures is amazing. The cool thing is if you are a touring artist, you have friends all over the world. Wherever you go, you always have people that you know. I have people I work with on my music who are from Japan – from Tokyo. So you can always hang out with them and they can show you the country, the cities from an insider’s view. They can take you to the great places to eat. I was in Shibuya, my hotel. There was a lot of people there. Japan is a nice country and I really like it. They are very friendly and very advanced in certain things – very close I think to the Swiss mentality – meaning, very nice, polite, and organized.

In general, there are a lot of experiences all around the world. It’s crazy to think that to produce your own music, you usually work in a small studio in your own city. But with the internet, the digital world just makes it so easy to reach the whole world even exactly a day after you finish your record! Then, you travel the world after you release your music and you meet these people who love your music and it’s definitely an amazing thing! We (artists) actually do the music for ourselves, but the main thing we want to accomplish is to reach people and touch people with the music. So it’s exciting to see all these people out there loving my music.

___Your fan base is growing around the world, including in Japan – do you have any messages for your Japanese fans?

EDX: Well it’s always good to talk to the fans. I don’t know who invented this horrible social media thing because now we need to work even more and cannot focus on music anymore. But on the other hand, with social media, it’s nice to be able to know which songs are doing well, for example, in Japan right now. So I can see – what are the tracks that they love? Because Japan has a different circle than the rest of the world. I think EDM is big in Japan right now even though it is smaller in other parts of the world. And I think that House will be very big in Japan in 2 years, but in other parts of the world, House is already very big right now. If you go back in history, in 1991 or 1992 there was this big rave scene already in Japan and its very interesting because the rave culture was there already 25 years ago. So you can see how music goes in these cycles. I think electronic music will always have a place in Japan and I would like to tell my Japanese fans thank you for all their support and I can’t wait to be back!

Interview: Risa Clark

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